Sample + Seek: Approximating Aggregates with Distribution Precision Guarantee
Data volumes are growing exponentially for our decision-support systems making it challenging to ensure interactive response time for ad-hoc queries without increasing cost of hardware. Aggregation queries with Group By that produce an aggregate value for every combination of values in the grouping columns are the most important class of ad-hoc queries. As small errors are usually tolerable for such queries, approximate query processing (AQP) has the potential to answer them over very large datasets much faster. In many cases analysts require the distribution of (group, aggvalue) pairs in the estimated answer to be guaranteed within a certain error threshold of the exact distribution. Existing AQP techniques are inadequate for two main reasons. First, users cannot express such guarantees. Second, sampling techniques used in traditional AQP can produce arbitrarily large errors even for SUM queries. To address those limitations, we first introduce a new precision metric, called distribution precision, to express such error guarantees. We then study how to provide fast approximate answers to aggregation queries with distribution precision guaranteed within a user-specified error bound. The main challenges are to provide rigorous error guarantees and to handle arbitrary highly selective predicates without maintaining large-sized samples. We propose a novel sampling scheme called measure-biased sampling to address the former challenge. For the latter, we propose two new indexes to augment in-memory samples. Like other sampling-based AQP techniques, our solution supports any aggregate that can be estimated from random samples. In addition to deriving theoretical guarantees, we conduct experimental study to compare our system with state-of-the-art AQP techniques and a commercial column-store database system on both synthetic and real enterprise datasets. Our system provides a median speed-up of more than 100x with around 5% distribution error compared with the commercial database.
Categories: Microsoft
Quickr: Lazily Approximating Complex Ad-Hoc Queries in Big Data Clusters
We present a system that approximates the answer to complex ad-hoc queries in big-data clusters by injecting samplers on-the-fly and without requiring pre-existing samples. Improvements can be substantial when big-data queries take multiple passes over data and when samplers execute early in the query plan. We present a new universe sampler which is able to sample multiple join inputs. By incorporating samplers natively into a cost-based query optimizer, we automatically generate plans with appropriate samplers at appropriate locations. We devise an accuracy analysis method using which we ensure that query plans with samplers will not miss groups and that aggregate values are within a small ratio of their true value. An implementation on a cluster with tens of thousands of machines shows that queries in the TPC-DS benchmark use a median of 2x fewer resources. In contrast, approaches that construct input samples even when given 10x the size of the input to store samples improve only 22% of the queries, i.e. a median speed up of 0x.
Categories: Microsoft
An Efficient Algorithm for Contextual Bandits with Knapsacks, and an Extension to Concave Objectives
Categories: Microsoft
Highlight Detection with Pairwise Deep Ranking for First-Person Video Summarization
The emergence of wearable devices such as portable cameras and smart glasses makes it possible to record life logging first-person videos. Browsing such long unstructured videos is time-consuming and tedious. This paper studies the discovery of moments of user’s major or special interest (i.e., highlights) in a video, for generating the summarization of first-person videos. Specifically, we propose a novel pairwise deep ranking model that employs deep learning techniques to learn the relationship between highlight and non-highlight video segments. A two-stream network structure by representing video segments from complementary information on appearance of video frames and temporal dynamics across frames is developed for video highlight detection. Given a long personal video, equipped with the highlight detection model, a highlight score is assigned to each segment. The obtained highlight segments are applied for summarization in two ways: video timelapse and video skimming. The former plays the highlight (non-highlight) segments at low (high) speed rates, while the latter assembles the sequence of segments with the highest scores. On 100 hours of first-person videos for 15 unique sports categories, our highlight detection achieves the improvement over the state-of-the-art RankSVM method by 10.5% in terms of accuracy. Moreover, our approaches produce video summary with better quality by a user study from 35 human subjects.
Categories: Microsoft
CloudBuild: Microsoft’s Distributed and Caching Build Service
Thousands of Microsoft engineers build and test hundreds of software products several times a day. It is essential that this continuous integration scales, guarantees short feedback cycles, and functions reliably with minimal human intervention. This paper describes CloudBuild, the build service infrastructure developed within Microsoft over the last few years. CloudBuild is responsible for all aspects of a continuous integration workflow, including builds, test and code analysis, as well as drops, package and symbol creation and storage. CloudBuild supports multiple build languages as long as they fulfill a coarse grained, file IO based contract. CloudBuild uses content based caching to run build-related tasks only when needed. Lastly, it builds on many machines in parallel. CloudBuild offers a reliable build service in the presence of unreliable components. It aims to rapidly onboard teams and hence has to support non-deterministic build tools and specification languages that under-declare dependencies. We will outline how we addressed these challenges and characterize the operations of CloudBuild. CloudBuild has on-boarded hundreds of codebases with only man-months of effort each. Some of these codebases are used by thousands of developers. The speed ups of build and test range from 1.3x to 10x, and service availability is 99%.
Categories: Microsoft
Jointly Modeling Embedding and Translation to Bridge Video and Language
Automatically describing video content with natural language is a fundamental challenge of computer vision. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), which models sequence dynamics, has attracted increasing attention on visual interpretation. However, most existing approaches generate a word locally with the given previous words and the visual content, while the relationship between sentence semantics and visual content is not holistically exploited. As a result, the generated sentences may be contextually correct but the semantics (e.g., subjects, verbs or objects) are not true. This paper presents a novel unified framework, named Long Short-Term Memory with visual-semantic Embedding (LSTM-E), which can simultaneously explore the learning of LSTM and visual-semantic embedding. The former aims to locally maximize the probability of generating the next word given previous words and visual content, while the latter is to create a visual-semantic embedding space for enforcing the relationship between the semantics of the entire sentence and visual content. The experiments on YouTube2Text dataset show that our proposed LSTM-E achieves to-date the best published performance in generating natural sentences: 45.3% and 31.0% in terms of BLEU@4 and METEOR, respectively. Superior performances are also reported on two movie description datasets (M-VAD and MPII-MD). In addition, we demonstrate that LSTM-E outperforms several state-of-the-art techniques in predicting Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) triplets.
Categories: Microsoft
Parameter Estimation for Generalized Thurstone Choice Models
We consider the maximum likelihood parameter estimation problem for a generalized Thurstone choice model, where choices are from comparison sets of two or more items. We provide tight characterizations of the mean square error, as well as necessary and sufficient conditions for correct classification when each item belongs to one of two classes. These results provide insights into how the estimation accuracy depends on the choice of a generalized Thurstone choice model and the structure of comparison sets. We find that for a priori unbiased structures of comparisons, e.g., when comparison sets are drawn independently and uniformly at random, the number of observations needed to achieve a prescribed estimation accuracy depends on the choice of a generalized Thurstone choice model. For a broad set of generalized Thurstone choice models, which includes all popular instances used in practice, the estimation error is shown to be largely insensitive to the cardinality of comparison sets. On the other hand, we found that there exist generalized Thurstone choice models for which the estimation error decreases much faster with the cardinality of comparison sets. We report results of empirical evaluations using schedules of contests as observed in some popular sport competitions and online crowdsourcing systems.
Categories: Microsoft
MSR-VTT: A Large Video Description Dataset for Bridging Video and Language
While there has been increasing interest in the task of describing video with natural language, current computer vision algorithms are still severely limited in terms of the variability and complexity of the videos and their associated language that they can recognize. This is in part due to the simplicity of current benchmarks, which mostly focus on specific fine-grained domains with limited videos and simple descriptions. While researchers have provided several benchmark datasets for image captioning, we are not aware of any large-scale video description dataset with comprehensive categories yet diverse video content. In this paper we present MSR-VTT (standing for “MSR Video to Text”) which is a new large-scale video benchmark for video understanding, especially the emerging task of translating video to text. This is achieved by collecting 257 popular queries from a commercial video search engine, with 118 videos for each query. In its current version, MSR-VTT provides 10K web video clips with 41.2 hours and 200K clip-sentence pairs in total, covering the most comprehensive categories and diverse visual content, and representing the largest dataset in terms of sentence and vocabulary. Each clip is annotated with about 20 natural sentences by 1,327 AMT workers. We present a detailed analysis of MSR-VTT in comparison to a complete set of existing datasets, together with a summarization of different state-of-the-art video-to-text approaches. We also provide an extensive evaluation of these approaches on this dataset, showing that the hybrid Recurrent Neural Networkbased approach, which combines single-frame and motion representations with soft-attention pooling strategy, yields the best generalization capability on MSR-VTT.
Categories: Microsoft
Lower Runtime Bounds for Integer Programs
We present a technique to infer lower bounds on the worst-case runtime complexity of integer programs. To this end, we construct symbolic representations of program executions using a framework for iterative, under-approximating program simplification. The core of this simplification is a method for (under-approximating) program acceleration based on recurrence solving and a variation of ranking functions. Afterwards, we deduce asymptotic lower bounds from the resulting simplified programs. We implemented our technique in our tool LoAT and showthat it infers non-trivial lower bounds for a large number of examples.
Categories: Microsoft
Deep Neural Decision Forests
Categories: Microsoft
The Global Patch Collider
This paper proposes a novel extremely efficient, fully-parallelizable, task-specific algorithm for the computation of global point-wise correspondences in images and videos. Our algorithm, the Global Patch Collider, is based on detecting unique collisions between image points using a collection of learned tree structures that act as conditional hash functions. In contrast to conventional approaches that rely on pairwise distance computation, our algorithm isolates distinctive pixel pairs that hit the same leaf during traversal through multiple learned tree structures. The split functions stored at the intermediate nodes of the trees are trained to ensure that only visually similar patches or their geometric or photometric transformed versions fall into the same leaf node. The matching process involves passing all pixel positions in the images under analysis through the tree structures. We then compute matches by isolating points that uniquely collide with each other ie. fell in the same empty leaf in multiple trees. Our algorithm is linear in the number of pixels but can be made constant time on a parallel computation architecture as the tree traversal for individual image points is decoupled. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method by using it to perform optical flow matching and stereo matching on some challenging benchmarks. Experimental results show that not only is our method extremely computationally efficient, but it is also able to match or outperform state of the art methods that are much more complex.
Categories: Microsoft
Rich Image Captioning in the Wild
We present an image caption system that addresses new challenges of automatically describing images in the wild. The challenges include high quality caption quality with respect to human judgments, out-of-domain data handling, and low latency required in many applications. Built on top of a state-of-the-art framework, we developed a deep vision model that detects a broad range of visual concepts, an entity recognition model that identifies celebrities and landmarks, and a confidence model for the caption output. Experimental results show that our caption engine outperforms previous state-of-the-art systems significantly on both in-domain dataset (i.e. MS COCO) and out-of-domain datasets.
Categories: Microsoft
Large Scale and Streaming Time Series Segmentation and Piece-Wise Approximation: Extended Version
Segmenting a time series or approximating it with piecewise linear function is often needed when handling data in the time domain to detect outliers, clean data, detect events and more. The data varies from ECG signals, traffic monitors to stock prices and sensor networks. Modern data-sets of this type are large and in many cases are infinite in the sense that the data is a stream rather than a finite sample. Therefore, in order to segment it, an algorithm has to scale gracefully with the size of the data. Dynamic Programming (DP) can findthe optimal segmentation, however, the DP approach has a complexity of O T 2 thus cannot handle datasets with millions of elements, nor can it handle streaming data. Therefore, various heuristics are used in practice to handle the data. This study shows that if the approximation measure has an inverse triangle inequality property (ITIP), the solution of the dynamic program can be computed in linear time and streaming data can be handled too. The ITIP is shown to hold in many cases of interest. The speedup due to the new algorithms is evaluated on a variety of data-sets to be in the range of 8 8200x over the DP solution without sacrificing accuracy. Confidence intervals for segmentations are derived as well.
Categories: Microsoft
FourQNEON: Faster Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplications on ARM Processors
We present a high speed, high security implementation of the recently proposed elliptic curve FourQ (ASIACRYPT 2015) for 32-bit ARM processors with NEON support. Exploiting the versatile and compact arithmetic of this curve, we design a vectorized implementation that achieves high-performance across a large variety of ARM architectures. Our software is fully protected against timing and cache attacks, and showcases the impressive speed of FourQ when compared with other curve-based alternatives. For example, one single variable-base scalar multiplication is computed in about 235,000 Cortex-A8 cycles or 132,000 Cortex-A15 cycles which, compared to the fastest genus 2 Kummer and Curve25519 implementations on the same platforms, offers speedups between 1.3x-1.7x and between 2.1x-2.4x, respectively. In comparison with the NIST standard curve K-283, we achieve speedups above 4x and 5.5x.
Categories: Microsoft
Biggish: A solution for the inverse privacy problem
An item of your personal information is inversely private if some party has access to it but you do not. Inverse privacy is ubiquitous. Each interaction you have with commercial and other institutions generates inversely private data. The inverse privacy problem is unjustified inaccessibility of your inversely private data to you. Elsewhere a subset of these authors determined that the problem has a market-based solution that provides consumers with large amounts of their personal data to be mined and processed to benefit them. Here we sketch a particular solution.
Categories: Microsoft
E-TIPSY: Search Query Corpus Annotated with Entities, Term Importance, POS Tags, and Syntactic Parses
We present E-TIPSY, a search query corpus annotated with named Entities, Term Importance, POS tags, and SYntactic parses. This corpus contains crowdsourced (gold) annotations of the three most important terms in each query. In addition, it contains automatically produced annotations of named entities, part-of-speech tags, and syntactic parses for the same queries. This corpus comes in two formats: (1) Sober Subset: annotations that two or more crowd workers agreed upon, and (2) Full Glass: all annotations. We analyze the strikingly low correlation between term importance and syntactic headedness, which invites research into effective ways of combining these different signals. Our corpus can serve as a benchmark for term importance methods aimed at improving search engine quality and as an initial step toward developing a dataset of gold linguistic analysis of web search queries. In addition, it can be used as a basis for linguistic inquiries into the kind of expressions used in search.
Categories: Microsoft
Speeding up the Number Theoretic Transform for Faster Ideal Lattice-Based Cryptography
The Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) provides efficient algorithms for cyclic and nega-cyclic convolutions, which have many applications in computer arithmetic, e.g., for multiplying large integers and large degree polynomials. It is commonly used in cryptographic schemes that are based on the hardness of the Ring Learning With Errors (R-LWE) problem to efficiently implement modular polynomial multiplication. We present a new modular reduction technique that is tailored for the special moduli required by the NTT. Based on this reduction, we speed up the NTT and propose faster, multi-purpose algorithms. We present two implementations of these algorithms: a portable C implementation and a high-speed implementation using assembly with AVX2 instructions. In comparison to state-of-the-art implementations of the NTT using the same parameters, our C and assembly implementations achieve factor-1.90 and factor-1.25 speedups, respectively. To demonstrate the improved efficiency in an application example, we benchmarked the algorithms in the context of the R-LWE key exchange protocol that has recently been proposed by Alkim, Ducas, Poppelmann and Schwabe. In this case, our C and assembly implementations compute the full key exchange 1.40 and 1.34 times faster, respectively. These results are achieved with full protection against timing attacks.
Categories: Microsoft
Information Dissemination in Heterogeneous-Intent Networks
Individual’s motivations for participating in social networks can vary greatly, and this heterogeneity is reflected in the wide-variety of behaviors and communication styles we see in large social networks. In this paper, we present a first study of the basic properties of communication in a heterogeneous-intent network and their implications. First, through both user studies and large-scale data analyses, we validate that individual’s specific intents affect their style of communication and their selection of messages. Secondly, we propose a simple structural model of information diffusion within a heterogeneous-intent network and present the results of experiments exploring its emergent properties, finding that it recreates aspects of empirically observed cascades that are not captured in previous models.
Categories: Microsoft