Well if you have already made the jump to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron), it is very simple: Open a terminal window and type at the $ prompt: "sudo aptitude install sugar sugar-activities sugar-emulator "
Finally... This completes my recent updates to the various environments including my various Windoze boxes as well as the other linux distros. Hope that there will not be too many problems as this update also required some new components for Drupal, MySQL and Gallery. Please report any bug by sending me an email.
Having bought the original XO laptop during the G1G1 promotion, I have been keeping my eyes out on its evolution. I recently came across some articles that describe the new XO2 which is expected as soon as Summer 2008. In the mean time, here are a couple of pictures of this upcoming hardware marvel:
Well, if you have not done so already I would strongly advise you to check out some of the following initiatives which have resulted in very exciting and educational suites of games:
So, if you have not been keeping up with Microsoft's new efforts around interoperability and open source projects with Eclipse or via Codeplex. It is time for you to read up on the MS Public License (PL) and Reciprocal License (RL). Part of MS Open Source Initiative (OSI), these two license should allow many developers to start using these licensing and integrating some of the work released under these licenses.
Based on a recent article from Information week, the OLPC will soon be having XP as a potential OS. Let's wait to see what the $3 license will do the price of the OLPC and what type of new software will be emerging for the OLPC. This is announced for June.... So keep your eyes out for it.
IE7Pro is a must have add-on for Internet Explorer, which includes a lot of features and tweaks to make your IE friendlier, more useful, secure and customizable.