Android has good reason to fear Apple's resurgence
In recent weeks, a drumbeat has grown among tech analysts that Apple's iPhone is poised for massive uptake while Android
15 great apps for Android Wear
Try again, cloud contenders: Amazon, Google, and Microsoft have won
I've been in crowded and emerging technology spaces before, and I even tried to duke it out with the big guys several times. I won a few of those David-versus-Goliath matches, but I lost most. When I won, I declared victory, then changed the strategic direction. Sometimes, I simply sold out. It's a good business skill to know when that needs to happen, rather than ride the thing into the ground.
Nadella leaves no doubt of who's in charge at Microsoft
Say what you will about Satya Nadella's first six months as Microsoft CEO, but no one can deny the man jumped in with both feet from day one and has led the company with decisiveness.
Some of his moves have been met with applause and others with raspberries.
Who's paying for your tech certification?
Businesses looking to improve employee engagement and retention are focusing on continuing education and professional development, including certifications, both to help cultivate the tech skills needed for competitive advantage and to reduce turnover. For that reason, many companies are willing to pick up the tab.
Career Development Fuels Retention
Don't panic: That Russian hack bombshell isn't what you think
FUD over the current state of cyber insecurity reached a fever pitch this week as thousands gathered in Las Vegas for Defcon and
Don't panic: That Russian hack bombshell isn't what you think
FUD over the current state of cyber insecurity reached a fever pitch this week as thousands gathered in Las Vegas for Defcon and
Oracle hasn't killed Java -- but there's still time
Oracle's last two crap quarterly earnings can most definitely be described as the chickens coming home to roost.
Beyond iBeacons: 7 cool uses of beacons you may not expect
Beyond iBeacons: 7 cool uses of beacons you may not expect
The battle against stupid software patents is on
How dumb are all-too-many software patents? "Spectacularly dumb," says Vera Ranieri, an attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), an advocacy group for freer flow of digital information.
Oracle hasn't killed Java -- but there's still time
Oracle's last two crap quarterly earnings can most definitely be described as the chickens coming home to roost.
Where your personal data goes when you're not looking
What businesses know about any given individual is a lot. But what are companies doing with that data? Not as much as you might think -- at least not yet. Companies are getting more sophisticated, however.
Beyond iBeacons: 7 cool uses of beacons you may not expect
The battle against stupid software patents is on
How dumb are all-too-many software patents? "Spectacularly dumb," says Vera Ranieri, an attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), an advocacy group for freer flow of digital information.
Oracle hasn't killed Java -- but there's still time
Oracle's last two crap quarterly earnings can most definitely be described as the chickens coming home to roost.
Where your personal data goes when you're not looking
What businesses know about any given individual is a lot. But what are companies doing with that data? Not as much as you might think -- at least not yet. Companies are getting more sophisticated, however.