
How to identify malicious HTTP Requests

SANS Information Security Reading Room - Wed, 05/01/2013 - 19:01

Category: Intrusion Detection

Paper Added: January 21, 2013

Categories: Security

Using Teambuilding to Improve Performance for Geographically Distributed Information Security Professionals

SANS Information Security Reading Room - Wed, 05/01/2013 - 17:44

Category: Management & Leadership

Paper Added: January 21, 2013

Categories: Security

Phishing Detecton and Remediation

SANS Information Security Reading Room - Mon, 04/22/2013 - 21:11

Category: Email Issues

Paper Added: January 21, 2013

Categories: Security

Using Watermarks to Prevent Leaks

SANS Information Security Reading Room - Wed, 04/17/2013 - 16:31

Category: Intrusion Detection

Paper Added: January 21, 2013

Categories: Security

Security of Mobile Banking and Payments

SANS Information Security Reading Room - Wed, 04/17/2013 - 16:31

Category: eCommerce

Paper Added: January 8, 2013

Categories: Security

Visual Studio Talk Show : Conférence BUILD et Windows 8 !

Redo - The .Net Gentleman - Thu, 09/22/2011 - 21:43
Retrouvez l’enregistrement du Visual Studio Talk Show spécial Conférence //BUILD/ et Windows 8 que nous avons eu la chance d’enregistrer lors de notre semaine à Anaheim avec nos Amis Québécois : Etienne Tremblay, Laurent Duveau, Erik Renaud, Guy Barrette....
Categories: Microsoft , Technology

//Build/ Windows 8 : Quid du développeur … WinRT, Win32 ou .NET ?

Redo - The .Net Gentleman - Fri, 09/16/2011 - 07:36
Après notre troisième journée //Build/ Windows 8, nous commençons a prendre un peu de recul et mieux comprendre les enjeux des dernières annonces de Microsoft… attaquons maintenant la partie développeur qui au premier coup d’œil peut nous retourner un...(...
Categories: Microsoft , Technology

//Build/ Windows 8 : Toutes les vidéos des sessions sur Channel 9 !

Redo - The .Net Gentleman - Thu, 09/15/2011 - 23:05
Vous n’avez pas le chance d’être avec nous à Anaheim pour la //Build/ Windows, peu importe, toutes les vidéos des sessions sont ou seront disponibles sur le site Channel 9 : Redo Member of WygTeam Wygwam...(...
Categories: Microsoft , Technology

//Build/ Windows 8 : Téléchargez le Live SDK Developer Preview !

Redo - The .Net Gentleman - Thu, 09/15/2011 - 02:41
Après avoir téléchargé l’ISO de Windows 8, je vous invite à vous enregistrer sur Live Connecte afin de récupérer le Live SDK! Accessible depuis la page de téléchargement des ISO de Windows 8 : (bas...(...
Categories: Microsoft , Technology

//Build/ Windows 8 : Téléchargez Windows 8 Developer Preview !

Redo - The .Net Gentleman - Thu, 09/15/2011 - 02:18
Les images ISO suivantes sont disponibles : Windows Developer Preview with developer tools English, 64-bit (x64) Windows Developer Preview English, 64-bit (x64) Windows Developer Preview English, 32-bit (x86) Pour ce faire, rendez-vous à l’adresse suivant...
Categories: Microsoft , Technology

//Build/ Windows 8 : Microsoft galope sur le chemin de l’évolution et non de la révolution !

Redo - The .Net Gentleman - Thu, 09/15/2011 - 01:54
Au regard de mon post précédent relatif à la Build, Microsoft nous a présenté au cours de la première journée son nouveau système d’exploitation “Windows 8” et son interface “Metro” ! Une approche complète et intégré de l’ensemble des systèmes et produits...
Categories: Microsoft , Technology

//Build/ Windows … un embargo qui doit tenir ses promesses : Windows 8, vNext Visual Studio, .NET 4.5, Cloud, XAML, … ?!?

Redo - The .Net Gentleman - Tue, 09/13/2011 - 13:35
Me voici donc arrivé à Anaheim (Los Angeles) afin de participer à la Build Windows 2011… l’ambiance est (nuit de Dimanche à Lundi) relativement studieuse et surtout dans l’attente la plus complète du Keynote de ce mardi à 9h (heure locale, soit 18h heure....
Categories: Microsoft , Technology

WPC 2011– Keynote D1 : Windows, Windows, Windows !!! ©Steve Ballmer

Redo - The .Net Gentleman - Sun, 07/17/2011 - 14:52
La seconde partie de se premier keynote sera dédiée à Windows 7 versus 8. Ne vous attendez pas à de grandes révélations, tout est visiblement figé jusque la Build Event (ce serait trop simple autrement) ! ;) Tami Beller, CFO et Vice Présidente Windows...(...
Categories: Microsoft , Technology

WPC 2011– Keynote D1 : Bing Maps prêt pour l’exploitation de l’intelligence collective !

Redo - The .Net Gentleman - Sun, 07/17/2011 - 03:42
Cette année, je ne pouvais être à la WPC – Worldwide Partners Conference 2011 qui se déroulait du 10 au 14 Juillet à Los Angeles… et pour cause, j’avais la chance d’être pour la 5ème année consécutive Juge en Software Design pour la finale mondiale de...(...
Categories: Microsoft , Technology

A Call to Action for Women Programmers

RHoK - Fri, 04/29/2011 - 23:59

In the two short years since its inception, Random Hacks of Kindness has grown into a diverse global community of experts and volunteer technologists putting their skills to work for the greater good.  An important part of that diversity is the significant number of women programmers who have come out to RHoK events to hack for humanity.  Women have traditionally been underrepresented in the global software development community. Here at RHoK, we are aiming to better the statistics.

A map showing RHOK #2 participation globally with circle size indicating total attendance and circle color indicating percentage of women attending.
Green: >=20%, Yellow: between 10 and 20%, Red: <=10%.

At last year’s Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, the Open Source for Good panel (including Avni Khatri and Alice Bonhomme-Biais from RHoK founding partners Yahoo! and Google) threw down a challenge: to ensure that women made up 20% of all participants at RHoK #2.

The challenge made an impact.  RHoK locations in Chicago, New York, Boston and Seattle, and Lusaka, Zambia all had close to 30% female participation, with 17% of participants globally being women, and many women acting as lead organizers.

“We didn’t just hit 20% challenge of women participants, we leapt over it,” said Chicago attendee Natalia Vinnick, Yahoo!, on the YDN blog.  “It was great to see so many women who participated and women who won!”

The winning team at the RHoK #2 Chicago Mainstage

“I found out about RHoK from a friend who participated in RHoK #1 and recommended it to me, since I am passionate about humanitarian causes,” said Eugenia Gabrilova, a member of the winning team in Chicago.  “I hope more women learn that a career in tech isn’t about sitting in a corner coding—you can accomplish so much and interact with many cool people.”

Yahoo! took the 20% challenge one step further, funding a scholarship for a female student to travel to RHoK #2’s Chicago Mainstage event.

“I have always hoped that my education will help me in building tools that will have social outreach—tools that will benefit others across any boundaries,” wrote scholarship winner Malveeka Tewari, a graduate computer science student at UCSD in her winning essay about hacking for humanity.

Nairobi RHoK attendees included members of the AkiraChix team.  The AkiraChix “are a group of intelligent and energetic ladies yearning to empower women through the use of technology in our day-to-day lives and change the cliché that IT is for men,” said Jamila Abass and Judith Owigar.  Their team learned about RHoK through Nairobi’s innovation hub and RHoK’s Nairobi venue, the iHub.

AkiraChix member Linda Kamau at the iHub

“Currently there are few women in technology here in Kenya.  Even fewer involved in software development.  We as AkiraChix would like to change that,” said Jamila Abass and Judith Owigar.  “We would like to see more women using technology to enrich their lives and creating relevant applications.  Since these women are an untapped resource who knows what new applications they could create?  The bottom line is by getting more women involved in technology we get a greater variety of ideas and applications, all of which are for the benefit of all people who will interact with these applications.”

With RHoK #3 fast approaching, RHoK is sending out a call to action to lady hackers around the globe: we invite you to take RHoK by storm!  Register here to join us in hacking for humanity on June 4th and 5th.

Categories: IT General, Technology

RHoK #3 on June 4th and 5th

RHoK - Tue, 04/12/2011 - 06:22

Hackers, mark your calendars.  On June 4th and 5th, 2011 Random Hacks of Kindness is coming to a city near you.  Taking place in 20 locations around the globe, RHoK #3 will be RHoK’s fourth hackathon, and the first with an expanded focus on both disaster risk and climate change.  So we are issuing a call to action: Experts in disaster risk and climate change—send your challenges our way.  And to the coders, designers, engineers, programmers and geeks of every variety—join us on June 4th and 5th to tackle some real-world problems and hack for humanity.

Click here to register

RHoK #3 will be taking place in:

Aarhus, Denmark
Bangalore, India
Basel, Switzerland
Berlin, Germany
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A.
Jakarta, Indonesia
Lusaka, Zambia
Melbourne, Australia
Nairobi, Kenya
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Santiago, Chile
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Toronto, Canada
Trento, Italy

Stay tuned for the announcement of additional RHoK #3 locations and the opening of registration, and get ready for a weekend of intensive brainstorming, collaborating and problem solving.

Categories: IT General, Technology

With Our Eyes Turned to Sendai

RHoK - Tue, 03/15/2011 - 19:52

As we watch with shock and profound sadness the tragedy unfolding in Japan and across the Pacific rim in the wake of the Sendai earthquake, our hearts and sympathies are with the families affected and their loved ones around the world.  Both personally and professionally, we are deeply sensitive to the challenges now facing that region.

We know many of you in the Random Hacks of Kindness community feel an urgency to take action in some way, to express your solidarity with the people of Japan and to offer your time, skills and efforts in their support.

There are many incredible initiatives out there that are actively engaged in the response efforts, working with volunteer technologists and citizens alike to channel their concern into action.  We know they would welcome your help.  These are just a few that we are aware of:

The Crisis Commons Volunteer Community

Crisis Mappers Net: The International Network of Crisis Mappers

OpenStreetMap (OpenStreetMap Japan)

Ushahidi (in Japanese)

Google Crisis Response (English)/(Japanese)

Microsoft Disaster Response

Yahoo!: How to Help

Categories: IT General, Technology

Advice: Cautions for the Holiday Season - Dec. 2, 2010

SANS Security Information Service - Wed, 02/09/2011 - 19:32
Problem: The holiday season brings with it a uptick in email phishing scams and malware campaigns. Watch out for: -electroni...
Categories: IT General, Security
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