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10 things you need to know about Microsoft's Surface Pro 3
Apple's Swift falls back to earth after initial surge
Initial enthusiasm for Apple's newly introduced Swift language appears to have died down somewhat, based on two monthly programming
10 things you need to know about Microsoft's Surface Pro 3
Caution: Cloud brokers may not deliver what you expect
I hear about these types of solutions each and every day. Cloud brokers or cloud exchanges, typically from existing colocation or MSPs (managed services providers), make a few promises:
McAfee sideshow eclipses Defcon's real security breakthroughs
Credit: Reuters/Jorge Dan Lopez
John McAfee's decision to speak at last weekend's Defcon hacking conference on Friday was one of the worst-kept secrets in Las Vegas.
Get real: Oracle is strengthening -- not killing -- Java
Oracle has taken a lot of heat for its handling of Java, with some speculating that though Oracle hasn't killed Java yet, it still h
7 ways DARPA is trying to kill the password
A seemingly constant stream of data breaches and this week's news that Russian hackers have amassed a database of 1.2 billion Internet credentials has many people asking: Isn't it time we dumped the user name and password?
7 ways DARPA is trying to kill the password
A seemingly constant stream of data breaches and this week's news that Russian hackers have amassed a database of 1.2 billion Internet credentials has many people asking: Isn't it time we dumped the user name and password?
The quiet before the next IT revolution
One of the best and worst parts of IT is that it's always changing.
The quiet before the next IT revolution
One of the best and worst parts of IT is that it's always changing.
The proper care and support of today's mobile worker
Today’s bring-your-own-device (BYOD) employee isn’t yesterday’s road warrior, so it’s time for businesses to put in place the structured support systems — policy, management, and application access — that align the expectations of the new corporate work style with its business priorities.
With more than half of employees paying for their mobile devices (and all or some of their data plans), and the lion's share opting for their device of choice rather than IT’s device of choice, the traditional notion of imposing operations based on standards and stability flies out the window.
4 cloud horror stories -- and how to survive them
Horror stories don't just happen at the movie theater. In a few cases, companies make a big play to use the wrong cloud application or experience widespread outages in their connection to cloud storage.
While vendors claim that cloud services are secure and reliable, that's not always the case. A better way than relying or vendor promises? Make sure your migration plans, budgets, existing infrastructure, security and any ancillary services all match up before making the jump to the cloud.