Top Tech Stories
Oracle hasn't killed Java -- but there's still time
Oracle's last two crap quarterly earnings can most definitely be described as the chickens coming home to roost.
Where your personal data goes when you're not looking
What businesses know about any given individual is a lot. But what are companies doing with that data? Not as much as you might think -- at least not yet. Companies are getting more sophisticated, however.
Beyond iBeacons: 7 cool uses of beacons you may not expect
The battle against stupid software patents is on
How dumb are all-too-many software patents? "Spectacularly dumb," says Vera Ranieri, an attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), an advocacy group for freer flow of digital information.
Oracle hasn't killed Java -- but there's still time
Oracle's last two crap quarterly earnings can most definitely be described as the chickens coming home to roost.
Where your personal data goes when you're not looking
What businesses know about any given individual is a lot. But what are companies doing with that data? Not as much as you might think -- at least not yet. Companies are getting more sophisticated, however.
AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile face Net neutrality complaint
Digital rights group Public Knowledge will file Net neutrality complaints against each of the four largest mobile carriers in the United States over their practice of throttling some traffic, in some cases on so-called unlimited data plans.
AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile face Net neutrality complaint
Digital rights group Public Knowledge will file Net neutrality complaints against each of the four largest mobile carriers in the United States over their practice of throttling some traffic, in some cases on so-called unlimited data plans.
It's official: Windows 8.1 Update 2 is a dud
Windows 8.1 Update 2 will drop next week, and it's officially a nonevent.
It's official: Windows 8.1 Update 2 is a dud
Windows 8.1 Update 2 will drop next week, and it's officially a nonevent.
Review: WordPress 4 plugs in, turns on, grows up
Software often evolves to serve purposes beyond what its makers intended. WordPress stands as a classic example.
The Azure-Active Directory connection just got easier
On InfoWorld this week, Matt Asay questioned some of the bold comments from the Microsoft camp about Azu
Overpromised, underdelivered -- and the joke's on them
The rock-bottom bid price should've raised a red flag. The database issues should've made our company reconsider. Instead, we soldiered on, but no Band-Aid could save this IT project.
Why your online identity can never really be erased
One seemingly unshakeable truth about the online world since it began is this: The Internet never forgets. Once you post anything online, it is recoverable forever -- the claims of former IRS official Lois Lerner about "lost" emails notwithstanding. Even promises of photos disappearing after a few seconds have been shown to be bogus.
Microsoft Azure, the world's biggest cloud? Someone's fudging
Credit: iStockphoto
5 reasons Internet crime is worse than ever
I've been fighting Internet crime for more than 20 years. In the old days, the daily malware hot sheet was known as the Dirty Dozen -- because it listed only a dozen malware programs.
5 reasons Internet crime is worse than ever
I've been fighting Internet crime for more than 20 years. In the old days, the daily malware hot sheet was known as the Dirty Dozen -- because it listed only a dozen malware programs.
Why you need to deploy DNSSec now
The Domain Name System -- the distributed network of servers that reconciles the domain names in URLs and email addresses to numerical IP addresses -- is behind every successful Internet transaction. Unfortunately, due to a longstanding vulnerability, it's also behind some of the Internet's most dangerous hacks -- despite the fact that a fix, DNSSec (Domain Name System Security Extensions), has been available for years.