Moved to Linux... Still want your regular Apps?
So you have moved away from Microsoft Windows XP or VISTA to something better? A linux distro like Ubuntu?
Now that you are more secure, have less headaches and have found tons of free software using apt or synaptic, you would like to run your regular and favorite applications like Photoshop... but how?
The answer is simple: get a glass of "Wine"!
add the following line to your sources.lst
deb binary/
then run to update the package cache:
$ sudo apt-get update
Now you can install Wine with the command:
$ sudo apt-get install wine
To configure Wine, run:
$ winecfg
Mount your drives and add the letters of your choice.
One last important thing, to extract cab files and avoid other known issues, run the following command prior to installing your first application:
$ sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts cabextract
To run setup, simply precede run:
$ wine "/media/cdrom0/My Windoze Application/Setup.exe"
Though this is for Ubuntu, Wine is available for most linux distros.