Windows 2003 Server Security Configuration Wizard
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New in Windows Server 2003 SP1 and R2, Microsoft has made available a tool that will help you to determine exactly what is running on your Windows Server 2003 system and be able to reduce the surface area of your server, thereby making it less vulnerable to an attack. In short, through the use of the Security Configuration Wizard, you can take a very granular look at your system and disable non-required functionality.
The Security Configuration Wizard does not automatically install when you install SP1 or R2. Follow these steps to install:
- Go to Start | Settings | Control Panel
- Choose Add or Remove Programs.
- Choose Add/Remove Windows Components
- Select the check box for Security Configuration Wizard, click Next.
Make sure you have your source media available.
After installation is complete, the Security Configuration Wizard is available from
- Start > All Programs | Administrative Tools | Security Configuration Wizard, or
- typing "scw.exe" in the Run prompt