obama signs executive order, expands <b>data collection</b> on americans <b>...</b>
The nsa.gov1 website message at bottom: This is a parody of and has not been approved, endorsed, or authorized by the National Security Agency or by any other U.S. Government agency. Much of this content was ...
Categories: Development
Obama Administration Seeks More <b>Data Collection</b> on Wages <b>...</b>
President Barack Obama announced Friday that his administration is seeking to collect wage data from every American company with 100 employees or more to enforce laws against pay discrimination, after he was ...
Categories: Development
GPS Mobile <b>Data Collection</b> Software: Why “Where” Matters.
How exactly can mobile data collection software help you, your organization, and your employees excel? By outfitting your representatives in the field with the proper devices (smartphones and tablets), you can see not only ...
Categories: Development
<b>XForms</b> for Archives: SPARQL-based social network graph in xEAC
I pushed into production a new SPARQL-based social network graph feature in xEAC. The most interesting places to start are and ...
Categories: Development, Technology
Asbestos <b>data collection</b> in schools - Publications - GOV.UK
Short questionnaire to gather data on asbestos in schools.
Categories: Development
The Boundaries of <b>Data Collection</b> - DML Central
I want to take a moment to examine how data collection has changed for us who teach and assess students. In the digitally augmented classroom, there should be concern for both corporate privacy and interpersonal privacy.
Categories: Development
Singapore Introduces Biometric <b>Data Collection</b> at Ports Of Entry <b>...</b>
The Singapore Parliament has passed legislation that could see immigration lines at Changi Airport increasing as Singapore will begin to collect fingerprints from arriving and departing passengers. SIN T3TransitArea.
Categories: Development
4 Things Digital <b>Data Collection</b> Predicts for 2016 | Big Think
+ Predictive analytics will become a standard safeguard for business. + Termination of NSA bulk data collection will be reconsidered. + 2016 presidential candidates will use predictive analytics to appeal to voters. The forecast says predictive ...
Categories: Development
Virginia Bill Would Prohibit Warrantless Electronic <b>Data Collection</b> <b>...</b>
RICHMOND, Va. (Jan. 25, 2016) – A Virginia bill would end warrantless collection of cell phone data and ban the use “stingrays” to track the location of phones and sweep up electronic communications without a warrant or ...
Categories: Development
2016 Point-in-Time Count: <b>Data Collection</b> for Sheltered Populations <b>...</b>
We'll use HMIS reports for those agencies that participate in HMIS, and for those that collect data in a comparable database, we'll ask you to submit your data on a form that we'll provide to you. This year's changes in reporting ...
Categories: Development
Global Warming or is NOAA is Messing with Temperature <b>Data</b> <b>...</b>
Global Warming or is NOAA is Messing with Temperature Data Collection? Climatologist Patrick J, Michaels writes in WSJ: An East Coast blizzard howling, global temperatures peaking, the desert Southwest flooding, ...
Categories: Development
I can count my speech words! Student <b>data collection</b> in preschoolers.
Student data collection in preschoolers. 01/25/2016 ~ Leave a Comment. Now that we've had half a year of school under our belt, I'm expecting so much more from our speech and language therapy sessions. I work with delayed 3-6 year olds ...
Categories: Development
Physics Toolbox: <b>Data Collection</b> with Student Smartphones – Lab <b>...</b>
We love collecting data. That's why we are happy to welcome Chrystian and Rebecca Vieyra to the show. Working as an app developer and high school physics teacher, this husband and wife team developed Physics ...
Categories: Development
The joys of offline <b>data collection</b> | Yanir Seroussi
Many modern data scientists don't get to experience data collection in the offline world. Recently, I spent a month sailing down the northern Great Barrier Reef, collecting data for the Reef Life Survey project. In addition to ...
Categories: Development
[1601.06296] Think before you collect: Setting up a <b>data collection</b> <b>...</b>
It outlines how it is necessary to carefully think about which data to collect and to use, and to recognize the effects that a specific data collection approach may have on the types of analyses that can be carried out and the ...
Categories: Development
How does the recent TCPA ruling affect overseas <b>data collection</b> <b>...</b>
In Europe the usage of automatic or predictive dialing for telephone data collection (either B2B or B2C) has become an industry standard in recent years.
Categories: Development
Force 3 to Install VMware Products for Census Bureau <b>Data</b> <b>...</b>
Force 3 has been awarded an $18 million blanket purchase agreement to provide VMware products for the U.S. Census Bureau's data collection process. The Census Bureau currently explores ways to automate and update ...
Categories: Development
Privacy Coalition Urges FCC to Regulate Broadband Providers <b>Data</b> <b>...</b>
The coalition wants providers of broadband Internet service, including mobile and landline phone providers and cable and satellite television firms, to curb their unfettered data collection practices and tighten the security they ...
Categories: Development
EU Competition Commissioner Suggests Agency Looking at <b>Data</b> <b>...</b>
The European Union competition watchdog is exploring whether the way tech firms collect and control massive sums of personal information — or “big data” — may violate antitrust rules, the agency's commissioner Margrethe ...
Categories: Development
To Know Thyself, Measure Thyself? Why Personal <b>Data Collection</b> <b>...</b>
Our behaviors are measured, assessed, and evaluated in increments, all the little things we do. The future isn't solely about big data; it's about little data and its risky union with big data.
Categories: Development