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Updated: 8 years 30 weeks ago
LatticeCrypto is a high-performance and portable software library that implements lattice-based cryptographic algorithms. The first release of the library provides an implementation of lattice-based key exchange with security based on the Ring Learning With Errors (R-LWE) problem using new algorithms for the underlying Number Theoretic Transform (NTT). The chosen parameters provide at least 128 bits of security against attackers running classical and quantum computers.
Categories: Microsoft
SIDH Library
SIDH is a fast and portable software library that implements a new suite of algorithms for Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) key exchange. The chosen parameters aim to provide 128 bits of security against attackers running a large-scale quantum computer, and 192 bits of security against classical algorithms. SIDH has the option of a hybrid key exchange that combines supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman with a high-security classical elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange at a small overhead.
Categories: Microsoft
Program for TPC-H Data Generation with Skew
The schema and queries of the TPC-H (formerly TPC-D) benchmark are widely used by people in the database community. One of the requirements of the benchmark is that data for columns in the database are generated from a uniform distribution. However, this requirement makes it hard for users to conclude about the robustness/effectiveness of their system since real world data distributions are often non-uniform. We have therefore created a new data generation program for TPC-H that is capable of generating a database where the columns have non-uniform (skewed) data distributions. In particular, the program can generate data from a Zipfian distribution, where the Zipf value (z), which controls the degree of skew in the data, is a parameter that can be specified to the program. In addition, the program allows the generation of a database with “mixed” data distribution where the skew of a column in the database is randomly chosen from the Zipfian values {0,1,2,3,4}. Note that the total number of rows in the tables and the total database size are not affected by our changes.
Categories: Microsoft
Diverse Algebra Word Problem Dataset with Derivation Annotations
This dataset provides training and testing examples for solving algebra word problems automatically. In addition to have 1000 completely new problems, we augmented the data by annotating the full derivations (template + alignments) for each word problem. We also performed cross-dataset cleaning across all datasets, so that the template annotation across different sets are unified. The instances are coming from the following resources: (1) 1000 new training/testing data with diverse templates and narratives crawled from (Our contribution) (2) (3) (their dataset contains non-linear problems. We took a subset of the problems that are linear there) . Please cite the corresponding report (and the original papers of the other datasets) if you found the dataset useful. We are aware that some of the problems might contain annotation error.
Categories: Microsoft
Video Cube
VideoCube allows one to load an AVI movie file as a volume, and play back the movie sampling space and time in different ways. It also provides a single cutting plane for interactively viewing single spacetime slices of the video.
Categories: Microsoft
StereoMatcher is an implementation of some commonly used two-frame stereo matching algorithms. It also contains code to evaluate the quality of a computed depth map relative to a ground truth image.
Categories: Microsoft
Pan - Source
Pan is an experimental embedded language and compiler for image synthesis and manipulation, based on principles from functional programming.
Categories: Microsoft
Pan - Components
Pan is an experimental embedded language and compiler for image synthesis and manipulation, based on principles from functional programming.
Categories: Microsoft
Mppt is an add-in for PowerPoint that allows a presenter to multicast PowerPoint slides, including animations and effects, to a group of viewers.
Categories: Microsoft
Mping is a simple command line application that sends and receives multicast packets.
Categories: Microsoft
JCLUSTER is a fast simple clustering program that produces hierarchical, binary branching, tree structured clusters.
Categories: Microsoft
Functional Reactive Animation
Fran is a Haskell library (or "embedded language") for interactive animations with 2D and 3D graphics and sound.
Categories: Microsoft
MSR IPv6/IPv4 Translator
The IPv6/IPv4 translator converts packets between the IPv6 and IPv4 protocol formats.
Categories: Microsoft
MSR IPv6 Tunnel Broker
The Microsoft Research IPv6 tunnel broker service is a web interface plug-in for Internet Information Server (IIS), provided by Microsoft Research to ISPs, which allows remote users to gain access to an IPv6 tunnel service provided by a suitably capable router. The router need not be co-located with the web server. Details of the tunnels, and the users, are kept in a database for ISP management purposes.
Categories: Microsoft
MSR IPv6 Binaries
Prototype IPv6 stack for Windows NT and Windows 2000, for research, educational, and testing purposes only.
Categories: Microsoft
MSR IPv6 Source Code
Prototype IPv6 stack for Windows NT and Windows 2000, for research, educational, and testing purposes only.
Categories: Microsoft
WinMine Toolkit
The WinMine Toolkit contains a set of tools that allow you to build statistical models from data.
Categories: Microsoft
MSBNx is a component-based Windows application for creating, assessing, and evaluating Bayesian Networks.
Categories: Microsoft
Dual Word Embeddings Trained on Bing Queries
This data is being released for research purposes only. The DESM Word Embeddings dataset may include terms that some may consider offensive, indecent or otherwise objectionable. Microsoft has not reviewed or modified the content of the dataset. Microsoft is providing this dataset as a convenience and is not responsible or liable for any inappropriate content resulting from your use of the dataset. Use of the dataset is at your own risk and discretion. Please contact the paper authors with questions.
Categories: Microsoft
Election 2012 Tweet ID dataset
This data set identifies 38M tweets collected for the analysis of social media messages related to the 2012 U.S. Presidential election. The data set provides tweet IDs for tweets containing the words "obama", "romney", or both (case-insensitive matching) during the period from July 1, 2012 through November 7, 2012. The paper, “Online and Social Media Data As an Imperfect Continuous Panel Survey.” PLoS ONE 11(1): e0145406 by Diaz et al. provides further description of the dataset.
Categories: Microsoft