Activity of the Internet in 2008...
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- 1.3 billion – The number of email users worldwide.
- 210 billion – The number of emails sent per day in 2008.
- 70% – The percentage of emails that are spam.
- 53.8 trillion – The number of spam emails sent in 2008 (assuming 70% are spam).
- 186,727,854 – The number of websites on the Internet in December 2008.
- 31.5 million – The number of websites added during 2008.
Web servers
- 24.4% – The growth of Apache websites in 2008.
- 13.7% – The growth of IIS websites in 2008.
- 22.2% – The growth of Google GFE websites in 2008.
- 336.8% – The growth of Nginx websites in 2008.
- 100.3% – The growth of Lighttpd websites in 2008.
Domain names
- 77.5 million – .COM domain names at the end of 2008.
- 11.8 million – .NET domain names at the end of 2008.
- 7.2 million – .ORG domain names at the end of 2008.
- 174 million – The number of domain names across all top-level domains.
- 19% – The increase in the number of domain names in 2008.
Internet users
- 1,463,632,361 – The number of Internet users worldwide (June 2008).
- 578,538,257 – Internet users in Asia.
- 384,633,765 – Internet users in Europe.
- 248,241,969 – Internet users in North America.
- 139,009,209 – Internet users in Latin America/Caribbean.
- 51,065,630 – Internet users in Africa.
- 41,939,200 – Internet users in the Middle East.
- 20,204,331 – Internet users in Oceania/Australia.
- 133 million – The number of blogs on the Internet (as tracked by Technorati).
- 900,000 – The number of new blog posts in a day.
- 329 million – The number of blog posts in 2008.
- 10 billion – Photos hosted by Facebook (October 2008).
- 3 billion – Photos hosted by Flickr (November 2008).
- 6.2 billion – Photos hosted by Photobucket (October 2008).
- 12.7 billion – The number of online videos watched by American Internet users in a month (November 2008).
- 87 – The number of online videos viewed per month per Internet user in USA.
- 34% – The increase in viewing of online video in USA compared to 2007.
- 3.1 – The number of minutes of an average online video.
(and for the security aware):
Malicious software
- 1 million – The number of computer viruses in April 2008.
- 468% – The increase in malicious code compared to 2007.
(thx LP)