Ease testing using Microsoft's free VHD files for Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP
Are you so busy that it's difficult to even find time to test installed application server software? In the interest of helping IT pros stay up to date (and perhaps make a few sales), Microsoft is making available Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) files of various products. (A VHD file is the virtual file type used by Microsoft's free Virtual Server.)
Among the products that Microsoft makes available for Virtual PC are:
- Windows Server 2003 R2
- Exchange Server 2007
- ISA Server 2006
- SQL Server 2005
Get the free download from Microsoft's site, install Virtual Server, and fire up your virtual machine.
Virtual Server 2005 R2 runs under both Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Keep in mind that you will need additional RAM and disk space in order to support this testing. For more information about the VHD program, visit Microsoft's VHD site.