What's New in Google Docs
PDF version
- Offline access in 30 languages
- Print preview
- Forms in the templates gallery
- Footnotes for your school assignments
- New UI for spreadsheets!
- "Look up word" (U.S. English only)
- Google search integration
- New UI in presentations!
- Create forms in a jiffy
- Autosave for forms
- Two powerful new functions: IMPORTRANGE() & SPLIT()
- Bullet and Object Reveals in presentations
- New! Templates
- Analytics tracking on published documents
- "Form" tab
- Expand gadgets to a full sheet
- Engineering Functions
- Upload, preview & share PDFs
- More sharing options in Docs list
- Edit CSS for documents
- Save presentations as .ppt
- Gadgets in spreadsheets
- Keep track of forms and responses on your iGoogle page
Full details available at: http://www.google.com/google-d-s/whatsnew.html